
The Virtual Jewish Museum [Virtuális Zsidó Múzeum] (VJM) was founded by the JMPoint Foundation to protect and preserve the religious and cultural relics of Hungarian Jewish communities. Their website offers photos or digitalized images as well as a brief description of documents, places, paintings, and a notable collection of objects and relics coming from various collections throughout Hungary. They also offer biographical information about notable Hungarian Jews under a "LexiCohn" section and a selection of miscellaneous writings in PDF format related to Hungarian Jewry. The Museum also happily welcomes anyone who would like to provide further digitalized versions of relics associated with Hungarian Jewish communities in order to share them on their website.

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Virtual Jewish Museum

The Virtual Jewish Museum [Virtuális Zsidó Múzeum] (VJM) was founded by the JMPoint Foundation to protect and preserve the religious and cultural relics of Hungarian Jewish communities. Their website offers photos or digitalized images as well as a brief description of documents, places, paintings, and a notable collection of objects and relics coming from various collections throughout Hungary. They also offer biographical information about notable Hungarian Jews under a "LexiCohn" section and a selection of miscellaneous writings in PDF format related to Hungarian Jewry. The Museum also happily welcomes anyone who would like to provide further digitalized versions of relics associated with Hungarian Jewish communities in order to share them on their website.

(Description adapted from information on project website)