
SynagogueScribes is a project to offer information about Anglo-Jewish community records It includes fully searchable databases of London Ashkenazi Synagogue and secular records, with the emphasis on pre-UK civil registration, meaning the bulk of the records contained in the databases are from between 1791 and 1860. Records included in the databases include births, circumcisions, marriages, deaths, and burials, usually obtained from synagogue registers documented by the Synagogues Secretaries, Mohels (persons performing circumcisions) or other community officials, as well as data abstracted from civil sources, such as tax records, wills, settlements, and subscriptions. Records connected on SynagogueScribes sister site, CemeteryScribes, are also cross-linked when possible. New records are still being transcribed and will be added as they become available.

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Logo and types of records found on Synagogue Scribe
Logo and types of records found on Synagogue Scribe

SynagogueScribes is a project to offer information about Anglo-Jewish community records It includes fully searchable databases of London Ashkenazi Synagogue and secular records, with the emphasis on pre-UK civil registration, meaning the bulk of the records contained in the databases are from between 1791 and 1860. Records included in the databases include births, circumcisions, marriages, deaths, and burials, usually obtained from synagogue registers documented by the Synagogues Secretaries, Mohels (persons performing circumcisions) or other community officials, as well as data abstracted from civil sources, such as tax records, wills, settlements, and subscriptions. Records connected on SynagogueScribes sister site, CemeteryScribes, are also cross-linked when possible. New records are still being transcribed and will be added as they become available.

(Description adapted from information on project website)