
The Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project is a searchable repository of Jewish newspapers published in Pittsburgh from 1895 to the present. Available through the Digital Collections of the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, the project offers metadata and OCR digitized pages that capture daily life in Pittsburgh, with a particular focus on Jewish communities, including life-cycle events, synagogue and organizational activities, arts, entertainment, and sports events. The project is composed of the Jewish Criterion (1895-1962), the American Jewish Outlook (1934-1962), the Jewish Chronicle (1962-present), and the Y-JCC series (1926-1975).

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Image from the cover of the “The Jewish Criterion” from October 22, 1915
Image from the cover of the “The Jewish Criterion” from October 22, 1915
Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project

The Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project is a searchable repository of Jewish newspapers published in Pittsburgh from 1895 to the present. Available through the Digital Collections of the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, the project offers metadata and OCR digitized pages that capture daily life in Pittsburgh, with a particular focus on Jewish communities, including life-cycle events, synagogue and organizational activities, arts, entertainment, and sports events. The project is composed of the Jewish Criterion (1895-1962), the American Jewish Outlook (1934-1962), the Jewish Chronicle (1962-present), and the Y-JCC series (1926-1975).

(Description adapted from information on project website)