
A YIVO Archives Digital Resource, the Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archives Project is a collaborative effort to chronicle the Jewish experience in twentieth-century New York City, especially those of Jewish immigrants, as reflected in the archives of five Jewish social service agencies. The documents and images from YIVO's collection of organizational records are both searchable and include metadata. Also notable is the photo gallery of the project, sorted by organization. 

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Screenshot from the Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archives Project's website
Screenshot from the Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archives Project's website
Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archive Project

A YIVO Archives Digital Resource, the Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archives Project is a collaborative effort to chronicle the Jewish experience in twentieth-century New York City, especially those of Jewish immigrants, as reflected in the archives of five Jewish social service agencies. The documents and images from YIVO's collection of organizational records are both searchable and include metadata. Also notable is the photo gallery of the project, sorted by organization. 

(Description adapted from information on project website)