
Works of art from the Leo Baeck Institute at the Center for Jewish History Collections have been digitized and made available on the web for free as part of Google Arts & Culture, a non-profit initiative that works with cultural institutions around the world to preserve and make the world’s art and culture accessible online. This collections includes over 600 pieces relating to Jewish history and culture and each entry includes a high quality digital image scan, a brief description, and various metadata, including information on the author when available.

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Leo Baeck Institute Collections through Google Arts and Culture

Works of art from the Leo Baeck Institute at the Center for Jewish History Collections have been digitized and made available on the web for free as part of Google Arts & Culture, a non-profit initiative that works with cultural institutions around the world to preserve and make the world’s art and culture accessible online. This collections includes over 600 pieces relating to Jewish history and culture and each entry includes a high quality digital image scan, a brief description, and various metadata, including information on the author when available.

(Description adapted from information on project website)