
The online source edition Key Documents of German-Jewish History [Schlüsseldokumente zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte] is published by the Institute for the History of German Jews (IGdJ). It offers a selection of sources or "key documents" to thematically highlight central aspects in Hamburg’s Jewish history from the early modern age to the present. Using Hamburg as a lens for larger developments and questions in German-Jewish history, this project aims to help digitally reunite the city’s Jewish heritage, make it accessible globally, and preserve it for future generations. The project highlights central aspects of local, regional, and general German-Jewish history providing approximately 150 digitized key documents along with transcripts, digital facsimiles, background information, and interpretations to provide historical context. The source material is further enriched by information on its provenance, historical responses to it, and scholarly controversies.

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Screenshot of the Key Documents of German-Jewish History homepage
Screenshot of the Key Documents of German-Jewish History homepage
Key Documents of German-Jewish History

The online source edition Key Documents of German-Jewish History [Schlüsseldokumente zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte] is published by the Institute for the History of German Jews (IGdJ). It offers a selection of sources or "key documents" to thematically highlight central aspects in Hamburg’s Jewish history from the early modern age to the present. Using Hamburg as a lens for larger developments and questions in German-Jewish history, this project aims to help digitally reunite the city’s Jewish heritage, make it accessible globally, and preserve it for future generations. The project highlights central aspects of local, regional, and general German-Jewish history providing approximately 150 digitized key documents along with transcripts, digital facsimiles, background information, and interpretations to provide historical context. The source material is further enriched by information on its provenance, historical responses to it, and scholarly controversies.

(Description adapted from information on project website)