
Inside the Yiddish Folksong is an online project that takes an analytical approach to the Yiddish folksong tradition. Sponsored by The Center for Traditional Music and Dance in New York City, Inside the Yiddish Folksong provides, among others, an introduction to the history and study of various aspects of Yiddish folksong, a short glossary of pertinent terms, case studies of different Yiddish folksingers, and a list of different resources on the topic.

(Description adapted from information on project website)


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Logo of the Inside Yiddish Folksong project
Logo of the Inside Yiddish Folksong project
Inside the Yiddish Folksong

Inside the Yiddish Folksong is an online project that takes an analytical approach to the Yiddish folksong tradition. Sponsored by The Center for Traditional Music and Dance in New York City, Inside the Yiddish Folksong provides, among others, an introduction to the history and study of various aspects of Yiddish folksong, a short glossary of pertinent terms, case studies of different Yiddish folksingers, and a list of different resources on the topic.

(Description adapted from information on project website)