
The Hebraica collection is a special collection for Yiddish periodicals and monographs within the Fenno-Ugrica of the National Library of Finland [Kansalliskirjaston Fenno-Ugrica], a digital collection of publications in Uralic languages. The Hebraica collection is a selection of literary works published in Yiddish during the last decades of the Russian Empire and digitized books originally published in Yiddish in the former USSR in the 1920s and 1930s. The entire Fenno-Ugrica collection includes more than 1500 monographs and over 110 newspaper and journal titles in 20 languages.

(Description adapted from information on project website)

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Images from Hebraica Collection
Images from Hebraica Collection
Hebraica Collection within Fenno-Ugrica

The Hebraica collection is a special collection for Yiddish periodicals and monographs within the Fenno-Ugrica of the National Library of Finland [Kansalliskirjaston Fenno-Ugrica], a digital collection of publications in Uralic languages. The Hebraica collection is a selection of literary works published in Yiddish during the last decades of the Russian Empire and digitized books originally published in Yiddish in the former USSR in the 1920s and 1930s. The entire Fenno-Ugrica collection includes more than 1500 monographs and over 110 newspaper and journal titles in 20 languages.

(Description adapted from information on project website)