
The project, “Forced Labor 1939 - 1945. Memory and History" [Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945] is a cooperative project between the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" and the Freie Universität Berlin and the German Historical Museum which calls itself an "interview archive." It aims to permanently secure, allocate, and index audio and video interviews and their accompanying materials for the over twenty million people who were forced to work for Nazi Germany. After creating a free account, users can explore digitized audio and video interviews with nearly 600 former forced laborers from 26 countries through an online platform that provides an index of interviews, translations of material, and educational information on forced labor and oral history.

(Description adapted from information on project website)


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Screenshot of the home page of the Forced Labor website
Screenshot of the home page of the Forced Labor website
Forced Labor 1939 - 1945. Memory and History

The project, “Forced Labor 1939 - 1945. Memory and History" [Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945] is a cooperative project between the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" and the Freie Universität Berlin and the German Historical Museum which calls itself an "interview archive." It aims to permanently secure, allocate, and index audio and video interviews and their accompanying materials for the over twenty million people who were forced to work for Nazi Germany. After creating a free account, users can explore digitized audio and video interviews with nearly 600 former forced laborers from 26 countries through an online platform that provides an index of interviews, translations of material, and educational information on forced labor and oral history.

(Description adapted from information on project website)