
The Digital Mishna project, supported by the Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland (UMD), aims to create a digital critical edition of the Mishnah, a rabbinic legal text edited around 200 CE that serves as the basis of the Talmud and is a fundamental document of the rabbinic Jewish tradition. This project will provide dynamic tools for the critial edition including data and scholarly judgment about the history of the text in digital format. There is currently a live demo available which provides fully marked up transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia Chapter 2, and illustrates basic functionalities of the digital ciritical edition.

Note: It is unknown if this project is ongoing, on hiatus, or abandonded.

(Description adapted from information on project website)


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Digital Mishna

The Digital Mishna project, supported by the Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland (UMD), aims to create a digital critical edition of the Mishnah, a rabbinic legal text edited around 200 CE that serves as the basis of the Talmud and is a fundamental document of the rabbinic Jewish tradition. This project will provide dynamic tools for the critial edition including data and scholarly judgment about the history of the text in digital format. There is currently a live demo available which provides fully marked up transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia Chapter 2, and illustrates basic functionalities of the digital ciritical edition.

Note: It is unknown if this project is ongoing, on hiatus, or abandonded.

(Description adapted from information on project website)