The Digital Library of the Foundation Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation [Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea] (CDEC) provides images, audiovisual files, and archival records available online through the foundation. The CDEC, an independent non-profit institute, promotes the study of Jewish history, culture and society, as well as the collection of documents pertinant to these areas, with special emphasis on Italy and contemporary times.
(Description adapted from information on project website)
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The Digital Library of the Foundation Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation [Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea] (CDEC) provides images, audiovisual files, and archival records available online through the foundation. The CDEC, an independent non-profit institute, promotes the study of Jewish history, culture and society, as well as the collection of documents pertinant to these areas, with special emphasis on Italy and contemporary times.
(Description adapted from information on project website)