
Arquivo Maaravi: Digital Journal of Jewish Studies [Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Estudos Judaicos da UFMG] is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal edited in Belo Horizonte, Brazil by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) since 2007. It is dedicated to the publication of unpublished articles, reviews, translations, and artistic works in the area of Jewish Studies. Its mission is to foster academic production in Brazil and abroad, allowing the dissemination of research and contributing to the ongoing debate in the area.

(Description adapted from information on project website)


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Cover of Arquivo Maaravi
Cover of Arquivo Maaravi
Arquivo Maaravi: Digital Journal of Jewish Studies

Arquivo Maaravi: Digital Journal of Jewish Studies [Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Estudos Judaicos da UFMG] is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal edited in Belo Horizonte, Brazil by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) since 2007. It is dedicated to the publication of unpublished articles, reviews, translations, and artistic works in the area of Jewish Studies. Its mission is to foster academic production in Brazil and abroad, allowing the dissemination of research and contributing to the ongoing debate in the area.

(Description adapted from information on project website)