Jewish Manuscripts in the Digital Age: The Cairo Geniza and the New Materiality was delivered as a two-part lecture by Dr. Marina Rustow of Princeton University for the 2019 Samuel & Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies at the University of Washington on May 14 and 16, 2019.
Focusing on documents from the Cairo Geniza, a cache of more than 300,000 pages preserved in an Egyptian synagogue that came to light in the late 19th century, Dr. Rustow discussed the strange position these documents inhabit in an online era.
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Jewish Manuscripts in the Digital Age: The Cairo Geniza and the New Materiality was delivered as a two-part lecture by Dr. Marina Rustow of Princeton University for the 2019 Samuel & Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies at the University of Washington on May 14 and 16, 2019.
Focusing on documents from the Cairo Geniza, a cache of more than 300,000 pages preserved in an Egyptian synagogue that came to light in the late 19th century, Dr. Rustow discussed the strange position these documents inhabit in an online era.